Courses designed to meet your specific language needs

Need more practise, foundation, confidence and fluency or just the chance to know how to say something other than…

“Una cerveza por favor”

Depending on what you are looking for, we can accommodate the course to your learning.


A 12-week beginners course to really give you the basics in the Spanish language, whether it’s to order a drink, make small conversation, ask for directions or even buy something in the supermarket.


A 12-week post-beginners course to help you strengthen what you have already learned so far and get a little further than the absolute basics.You will be able to comfortably order food at a restaurant, ask for directions, make a hotel booking, and much more..


A 10-week intermediate level course to get you talking about things that matter to you and learn about the fascinating range of cultures that exist across Spanish speaking countries. Topics discussed will range from music, art, film, literature to name a few.

Everyday Spanish

Week 1 - My greeting

Week 2 - My background

Week 3 - My work

Week 4 - My interests

Week 5 - My tastes

Week 6 - My timetable

Week 7 - My family

Week 8 - My home

Week 9 - My celebrations

Week 10 - My past

Week 11 - My future

Week 12 - Course review and assessment

Travel Spanish

Week 1 - My arrival

Week 2 - My destination

Week 3 - My accommodation

Week 4 - My restaurant reservation

Week 5 - My “getting around”

Week 6 - My excursion

Week 7 - My social meet ups

Week 8 - My health

Week 9 - My purchases

Week 10 - My “leftovers”

Week 11 - My departure

Week 12 - Course review and assessment

Everyday Spanish/Travel Spanish
One time
For 3 months

12 week Beginners and Pre-Intermediate Spanish Course

Cultural Spanish

Week 1 - La cultura

Week 2 - El idioma

Week 3 - La musica

Week 4 - La comida

Week 5 - El arte

Week 6 - El cine

Week 7 - Las costumbres

Week 8 - Los viajes

Week 9 - Las relaciones

Week 10 - La salida

Cultural Spanish
One time
For 10 weeks

10-week intermediate Spanish course with a focus on culture