Deiya Events

Deiya also organises multicultural events including film screenings, food nights, and music events to name a few all centred around language and cultural exchange.

Our events this year have included the following….

Spanish Day of Kings at Frome Library

Peruvian Food Pop Up Night at 3 Swans

Lebanese Food and Entertainment Night

We were also pleased to be able to host 3 Language Exchange Evenings as part of the Frome Festival 2023

Language Through Literature

Language Through Food

Language Through Music

What’s happening this autumn 2023?

Cafe Cultura at Frome FM.

Deiya will be hosting a monthly show inviting international members of the Frome community to talk about and share something that they treasure about their culture be it a dish, a tradition, a song or just generally something they miss about home!

Frome Multicultural Festival at the Cheese and Grain

Deiya is pleased to announce that we will have a stand at the Frome Multicultural Festival on 8th October 2023 so please come and say “hola” and take part in some of our language activities to test your skills!

A Night of Lebanese Food and Dance

Saturday 28th October (7pm - 9.30pm) at the Welshmill Hub, Park Hill Drive, Frome, England, BA11 2LE.

You can book your tickets HERE

Lebanese chef, belly dancer, TEDx speaker and all round amazing host, Wafaa, will delight, not only with her amazing food but also with her entertaining stories about her country and culture, as well as teach you some key bellydance moves to burn off those calories!

Watch her TEDx talk to listen to more about why food and friendship play such an important role in her life.